Dr. Abdolreza Jamilian
Dr. Abdolreza Jamilian
D.D.S, MSc, Fellow of OMFSEuropean Board of Orthodontics.
Doctor Abdolreza Jamilian is a researcher and specialist in the field of Orthodontics. He received his D.D.S. (1991), MSc in Orthodontics (1998), and Fellowship of Orthognathic Surgery & CraniofacialSyndromes (2010) from the Shahid Beheshti Universityin Tehran, Iran. He obtained his European Board ofOrthodontics in 2013. Now, he is a Module leader at the City of LondonDental School, University of Bolton, London, UK, and a professor at Islamic Azad University in Tehran. Hehas lectured at several international congresses and has been a consultant forvarious journals. He has published over 200original, peer-reviewed research and review articles.
Heholds 4 patents in the United States Patent and Trademark Office as follows:
1-USPTO: Method and System forTreatment of Maxillary Deficiency Using Mini-screws. US 8,414, 291 B 1. Apr. 9,2013.
2-USPTO: Tongue Plate, USD742525 S1, Nov 3, 2015
3- USPTO: US D777929 S1, 31. Jan2017
4-USPTO: Method and System for Treatment of Maxillary DeficiencyUsing Hyrax. US 2017/0209239 A1. Jul 27, 2017.