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Dr. George Brown

Dr. George Brown BDS, LDSRCS (Eng.), MFGDP RCS (UK), MCGDET (Eng.), MSc ImplantDentistry (Rome)  He qualified from KingsCollege Dental School in 1990 where he acquired his BDS. He is a GeneralPractitioner who runs dental referral services in South London for minor OralSurgery, Implant Dentistry, Endodontics and Orthodontics. He is particularlyinterested in complex restorative cases which may include the use of dental implantsand has developed an interest in Digital Dentistry. Dr. Brown has been an Educational supervisor and Vocationaltrainer for the last 25 years for both Dentists and Therapists. He is theDirector for the Lambeth Local Dental committee and a member of the LambethPrimary Care Transformation and Operational Delivery Group in London. Healso, Practices in Ghana, West Africa as well as a visiting clinician and hasbeen providing Post graduate training for the last 10 years in Ghana. He also organizesand participates in the provision of dental services and charitable clinics inGhana and is currently establishing a school for dental Therapy and Hygiene inGhana.