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Advanced Diploma in Clear Aligner Therapy

The Advanced Diploma in Clear Aligner Therapy is the next logical step in your professional development in the field of Clear Aligner Orthodontics, expanding your existing skills. It offers a pathway to an MSc in Clear Aligner Orthodontics if taken in combination with top-up reflective clinical practice and evidence-based dentistry modules from the University of Bolton. 

It will develop your competencies and orthodontic practice to a higher level, opening up more treatment possibilities for you and your patients. This course will teach advanced biomechanics, cephalometric and soft tissue analysis, function, and occlusion. You will develop an in-depth understanding of how to use aligners as a powerful tool to improve treatment outcomes in all aspects of orthodontic and general dental practice, encompassing not only the aesthetic, periodontal, and restorative care but also the function and occlusion. Also, you will learn how to use the Smile Architect software and all its tools for planning multidisciplinary cases.

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Advanced Diploma in Clear Aligner Therapy

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Enrolment Process

Following completion of your application form you will be contacted by a course advisor who will discuss your learning requirements.

Once these have been ascertained they will be able to advise you of the fee and payment plans, if necessary, and assist you in the most appropriate learning pathway for your individual circumstances.

Admissions Criteria

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Data Protection Statement

I understand that I have a responsibility to provide accurate information, and that the information I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge. I will update the School if any of my personal details (e.g. address) change. I consent for the personal information about me provided on the application and reference forms to be held, recorded and processed by The City of London Dental School. I understand that the information will be treated in confidence and used internally for specific purposes as laid out in the Schools Data Protection Policy. My consent is conditional upon The City of London Dental School complying with its obligations and duties under the Data Protection Act 1998.